Optimise fertiliser use with the Terra Range as grass growth back 10% in 2024

Nutrient Use Efficiency

According to figures from PastureBase Ireland, grass growth rates have decreased by about 10% in 2024. This may become a worrying trend as the country potentially enters a fodder deficit. According to Agriland, a recent survey indicates that around 25-30% of dairy and dry stock farms face a 10% fodder supply deficit. Currently, first-cut fodder supplies are at 60% of the needed amount for dairy farms, which falls short of the 70% target for this time of year.

However, there has been a slight improvement in recent weeks with much needed rain. In the last few weeks, applications of slurry and chemical nitrogen (N) have been catching up after falling behind earlier in the year due to poor weather conditions.

This also comes off the back of recent figures showing that emissions from agriculture decreased by 4.6% last year, down one metric tonne of CO2 equivalent. The reduction was driven primarily by lower levels of chemical nitrogen use and reduced liming.

The Terra Range with PSIยฎ362 Precision Technology

For farmers across the country, it is now crucial to optimise fertiliser use during this period. With emissions down as well as grass growth, itโ€™s important to continue to reduce emissions but maintain yields entering into late summer.

Working with Target Fertilisers to produce the Terra Range of Fertilisers, our Nitrogen Use Efficiency Technology biostimulant, PSIยฎ 362 Precision Technology is expertly coated onto NPK fertiliser granules. PSIยฎ 362 provides growers with the solution to apply up to 25% less nitrogen on farm.

PSIยฎ 362, when coated on the Terra Range stimulates the nitrate transponders in the plant to take up more of the available nitrogen in the soil than they would normally do. The extra nitrates taken up are converted into amino acids which produce more chlorophyll and therefore more photosynthesis takes place. This means we get similar biomass levels produced with up to 25% less N as well as seeing higher dry matter levels in the crop afterwards.

For farmers looking to bridge the fodder deficit gap for second and even a third cut if needed, the importance of good fertiliser management cannot be understated.

Visit Target Fertilisers website for more information or call to your local outlets where Target Fertilisers are available. If you would like to know more about Brandon Bioscienceโ€™s range of biostimulants, contact us.

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