As animals finally get outside to grass, we take a look at how Brandon Bioscience can help with grass yields this season, while also reducing overall use of N on farm.

Working with Target Fertilisers to produce the Terra Range of Fertilisers, our Nitrogen Use Efficiency Technology biostimulant, PSI® 362 Precision Technology is expertly coated onto NPK fertiliser granules. PSI® 362 provides growers with the solution to apply up to 25% less nitrogen on farm.

PSI® 362, when coated on the Terra Range stimulates the nitrate transponders in the plant to take up more of the available nitrogen in the soil than they would normally do. The extra nitrates taken up are converted into amino acids which produce more chlorophyll and therefore more photosynthesis takes place. This means we get similar biomass levels produced with up to 25% less N as well as seeing higher dry matter levels in the crop afterwards.

New Research Published

Patrick Quille at Munster Technological University, in partnership with Dr. Shane O’Connell (Brandon Bioscience Head of Research) and Prof. Joanna Kacprzyk and Prof. Carl Ng in University College Dublin, has published the following paper in the Journal of Applied Phycology: “the role of an Ascophyllum nodosum extract in lowering the environmental impact and improving nitrogen use efficiency in pasture systems under a reduced nitrogen regime”.

This research looks at Brandon Bioscience’s Ascophyllum nodosum based biostimulant PSI®362 Precision Technology and its effect on reducing nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions and nitrate (NO-3) leaching on controlled conditions grass trials with different soils taken from commercial farms under natural weather conditions.

The research shows that when using PSI®362 in grass, it was possible to reduce nitrogen application by 25% without a significant loss in yield compared to a conventional 100% N system. The research also showed an increase in NUE under a 75% N with PSI®362 co-application fertilisation regime, and a significant increase in crude protein content compared to the 100% N fertilisation controls. Furthermore, the reduced nitrogen application results in reduced nitrogen loss through nitrate leachate and nitrous oxide to the atmosphere, thereby decreasing the environmental footprint of the pasture system.

This is the fourth peer-reviewed paper published on PSI®362 Precision Technology.

Visit Target Fertilisers website for more information, or call to your local outlets where Target Fertilisers are available. If you would like to know more about Brandon Bioscience’s range of biostimulants, contact us.

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